
Cayce Michael Lindner
Originally uploaded by brockton.
I found this photo on flickr and am borrowing it for my post (courtesy of flickr user brockton) since I don't have any images of my own.

I didn't know Cayce all that well -- not as well as most, and certainly not as well as I had hoped to -- but I knew him well enough to know how great it was to hear him laugh. He was one of the first people to make me feel like the Bay Area was a good place to be. Cayce was the guy you saved weird films, weirder records, and funny/odd stories for because it was a rare thrill to see his face light up in appreciation. A walking encylopedia of life's best kept secrets and pop culture gems, he turned me on to The Beaver Trilogy, Jandek, and the cheeseburgers at Joe's Cable Car and, for these things and far more, I am forever grateful.

Cayce, I'll miss you. I'm terribly sad at not getting the chance to know you better.

Your friend,

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